I'm not Nike. I don't have big budgets or Ad spend in prime locations to get my message or words across to help change the status quo or opinion. I am just one soul, but one who cares about people – whatever their appearance, standing, heritage or religion etc.

Never have I known a time in this great country of ours where there was so little optimism, pride or hope. And where there was so much anger, hatred and division. We've got some huge disparities and issues to tackle as a nation and it's going to be hard. Bridges need building between communities and generations. With all sides talking, being heard, and listening in a civilised manner. We can find balance and make progress. We just need a little common sense, some understanding and a lot of truth, plus plans to make things... Better.

It's time to UNITE.


GROWTHINNK Associates Branding – logo and identity


If we let them divide us…