Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

The best things in life are free

Shouted a few of my work colleagues breakfast this morning...

I've conquered some great ideas, campaign concepts, strap lines and creative on foot with the natural world allowing me the freedom to think clearly. There's a simple pleasure and beauty in that I never take for granted.

Please consider making those walks part of your week. Your head, your heart and your body will appreciate it, and also maybe your clients.


creative. design. thinking.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Creativity – The new battle against zeros and ones

I'm genuinely dismayed at the lack of art in what we do anymore. And how so many creatives, writers and designers are pushed into dead-end thinking and lesser ideas to please an insatiable master of numbers, likes and impressions. Not all of us wanted to be mathematicians, scientists or analysts. Nor was this what we shinned in. Some of us hoped to change hearts & minds for the better, with words, stories, insight and visual of how we saw the world, how we saw people, nature and the reasons for living and even our place in it all... And beyond. True outside the box thinking.

Yes, I can see the benefit of your numbers, your data, your analysis, and your many tick boxes, in their own context. But it shouldn't be the only thing that matters. Societies ever expanding lust (according to your latest poll, probably) for this often self important data driven agenda pushing pulp, kills some lovely ideas, and ideas that could really resonate and be brought to life.

I ain't stupid. I still respect you for what you can add I see the value. I just want you to see the value in what we bring too – everything in its place. But I ••••••• hate you for what you've taken away from our world and industry. I still fight it, but I often feel the creative process is now lost to zeros and ones or words controlled like a form of dictatorial control and our subservience, following a spreadsheet so we can fit in with search engines and algorithms. We need to see the art again, as we're a wash with average communications, stories, content, even advertising and editorial that aims to please everyone and often it's pleasing no-one (real).

CREATIVE PEOPLE – It's time we embraced what we CAN do again. To take stock of a moment and express it in words, in paint, ink or pixel to highlight or celebrate a thought or a feeling. To share being a soul with other souls. We wanted to write about love, connection, hopes, dreams, fears and all the things that make us tap into our senses and feel more human, so do that. There are still many who will appreciate it. Sure, we will have to sell things along the way, convey difficult, important and divisive subject matter and content, but we can make a difference in so many ways that cannot be shown on a graph. However we did it, we seemed to care far more about the art of it all. We can do it again.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

1974 Birmingham Pub Bombings Memorial Crest

This is possibly one of the busiest logo devices I've ever created.
But it's also one of the most important for what it stands for.
Very proud I could add my weight to this. Just a small part of the campaign but allowed me to then go on and shape the whole picture...


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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Take notice.

I'm so bloody lucky to work in an industry that feels like it's second nature.
Wherever I go I'm inspired to think, to feel, and to reflect.

This adds to a better creative director. The experience is everything 🙌

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price


Had a few conversations with friends and clients of late and there's a theme of people feeling they are often not enough...

Like they are doing poorly in a multitude of things i.e work / life / personal scenarios whilst others are apparently flying and as the term they use 'smashing it'! Don't be fooled by all you read. We live in an age of showoffs, ego and tonnes of bullsh*t quite frankly. It's really sad, but it will pass.

It's a choice. You don't have to subscribe to it. The opposite in fact.

For your mental health and wellbeing maybe do your brain a favour and turn the noise off if it's toxic for your thought patterns. Social media has become both a blessing and a horrible curse. Read between the lines ;)

My takeaway for what it's worth is simply this... If you are truly applying yourself and making a difference in whatever way (big or small), even if not on anyone else's radar (and it makes you happy) then be proud.


creative. design. thinking.


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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

GROWTHINNK Associates Branding – logo and identity

I recently supported innovation consultant and expert – Joanna Birch to shape the visual identity and brand logo of her new offering GROWTHINNK Associates. Many of the Birmingham business community will know Joanna, who is a huge facilitator and pioneer for innovation and change within the West Midlands and has been a catalyst for improvement for the many, including her work with STEAMhouse and Birmingham City University

Massive well done and kudos to Joanna, who is also a nominee for Female Innovator of the Year at this years prestigious Innovation Awards 2024. I'm genuinely excited for you with the projects and plans you have for the days, weeks and months ahead and thank you for allowing me to be a small part of your story. 🙌 🙌 🙌

For those interested I'll post the logo device rationale later this week...



| creative. design. thinking.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price



I'm not


. I don't have big budgets or Ad spend in prime locations to get my message or words across to help change the status quo or opinion. I am just one soul, but one who cares about people – whatever their appearance, standing, heritage or religion etc.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

If we let them divide us…

Racism. Sexism. Colorism. Ageism. Classism. Elitism. Ableism...

Sadly, prejudice and discrimination happens on all sides with no exception, and to all people in various ways, shapes and forms.

We can't always talk for others, but we can talk for ourselves and rationalise who we are and how our mindset, actions and deeds affect the world, regardless of what we have experienced negatively ourselves.

We all have a simple choice.

Be better.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Is it safe to cross over?

Is it safe to cross over?

I always love travel as we get to see how other people do stuff. Sights, sounds, vocabulary, language, visual – it can be liberating and fresh for the mind. These experiences can show you something unique even when it's often so familiar. Even the same ingredients with a slight regional twist can lead to something more relevant and completely different. That goes for food, style, vibe and as well – for brands and advertising.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

STEAMhouse – The home on innovation in the West Midlands

I've been lucky enough to have worked with Birmingham City University since 2018 promoting STEAMhouse 1.0 and 2.0 with a few different people and on a mass of different projects, for differing audiences. Even when 2.0 was still heavily in development, and in lockdown... we promoted and I supported the project team there and however I could with concepts and creative to sell the dream and inform.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Tightening up the offering

It’s strange… I have some clients that purely use me for design work. I have some clients that purely use me for my strategic thinking and my ideas. And I have some clients that hit the sweet spot and use me for both.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Challenge. Change

If you are a Marketing head, or have one and need some support to make the offer memorable or maybe even irresistible... then consider me to work with.
I'm professional, capable and I'm always interested in a creative challenge. Every journey starts with a single step. Grab your shoes!

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price



Not a word I've tried to use much and I really should have used it far more and sooner in my own evolution as a human being. But, as I've journeyed through life in all situations of the head and heart I've come to understand the utter positives of this simple 2 letter word.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Always choose something of quality rather than a quick-fix

I guarantee you, on that all important event, on a rainy day, you'll be glad you spent that little extra time choosing something of quality – that's fit for purpose. And you'll stand out compared to all those other people getting rained on or being unsupported by a flimsy lesser option. We live in the UK people, rain is gonna happen. It's as certain as taxes. Just don't be the one holding the handle with no structure – chose wisely and something that's right for you.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

Tell the truth.

One of the simplest things for a #brand to get to grips with when trying to start something special is to tell the truth. It's the very least you owe to your audience and yourselves. With the truth we can tell our story with clarity and with pride. And if we don't like the truth we have we can ask questions, analyse, improve, challenge and create a coherent strategy that gets us to where we want to be working with it.

It might be dull for some me talking of truth and being authentic with my BRANDLURN content, but it's what I am as a person and as a service provider. I believe (and know) it's part of what sets me apart. Not everyone will like what we are nor need it/care for it, which is why we need to be authentic imho. Those that do see your skills, your true value and believe in your ethics, product and service – will. That's your audience.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

A brand identity needs to have meaning

When I refreshed my own brand identity for my creative and design services a couple of years ago I wanted something that had intrigue. Here's the rationale ;) If it hasn't got a relevant story it won't be distinguishable – be different for the right reasons regardless of the budget. Quality matters.

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Justin Robert Price Justin Robert Price

50th St Patrick's Day Parade in Birmingham OOH Ad

I recently supported Maurice Malone and the Birmingham Irish Association creating a digital #OOH Ad for their historic 50th St Patrick's Day Parade celebration event within the city of Birmingham.

You'll see this on the impressive Ocean Outdoor's D6 network (125 selected screens and locations in and around Birmingham's commuter arterials). I love this medium, used a few times now and it's a great way to advertise. Give me a thumbs up if you see it anywhere ;)

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